Wednesday, November 10, 2010

" COLOR THEORIST PROJECT" Jacques Chrisophe le Blon (1667-1742)

                        Jacques Chrisophe le Blon (1667-1742)
                            BIO: Jacques Chrisophe Le Blon Was born May 2, 1667 and Died May 16,1741
He was a german painter and engraver and weaver. whom invented the system of 3 and 4 colored printing..(he used RYBK color model). He as known for making color mixing experiments.In the year 1710 he made his first  color prints with yellow blue and red plates.he studied art under the painter Carlo Maratta.

  • In 1722 he published a book called Coloritto   and in it he stated that painting represents all visible objects with the colors  yellow red and blue. He thought that the were the basic of all paintings.

  •  1740 jacques started working on anatomical prints that a lot of people seemed to follow.
 Anatomical prints is basically a poster of the human body the muscles..this was very important to the medical world because it made it easier for medical people to understand  the human body in a greater depth.


  • He would use metal plates that he engaved to make the prints. and using the color system. of red blue and using these plates they could use the metal as a sort of stamp. 

 ..le Blon belived that you should be able to see the more fleshy colors this is a picture with the3 plate color

  • In 1719- george the 1st granted him a patant for his technique of preinting pictures in color. giving him a better way of showing his invetions!this business was called picture office ..which offered the public a way to get pictures of famous peole of the the end though the picture office failed  because Le Blons pictures never attracted enough clients.

  • le blon began to experiment with a technique to weave tapestries ...after a while of this tech.  it resevied many followers of important people.such as Cromwell Mortimer and Sir richard Manningham......although it was even more unsuccsessful than the color printing business it was still and important technique.

after a few atempts le blon finaly opened a succsesfull printing business 1738.

Jacques Chrisophe Le Blon died in  1741 and left a few loyal people behind, seveeral students,young daughter,and a struggle over the right to be called the inventor of color printing.

MY OBSEVATION:  I personally belived that he was very important in the world of color theorist because with out his inventoions and techniques we would not be able to be as fast with printing pictures ...he made it so he advanced the technology of printing without him we would probably still have to copy things by hand..

FUTUREEEEE- i belive that one day in the fucture we will have holographs and things are going to be even more simple for us everything will be faster everything will be atomatically printed.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to point out that many of the images included here, and a considerable portion of the research, should be attributed to Sarah Lowengard, The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe Re-organization of information, paraphrases, grammatical errors and mis-spellings do not an original document make.
